Wildstar Beaumont's attempt to share some thought about his virtual life and experiences, should he have any :)
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sailing in Mainland
I had never taken a tall ship into mainland waters before. Too risky. The canals are narrow and one has to move around ban lines and security devices.
Yet, all the buzz about the Linden waters around Nautilus and the future plans about the Blake Sea and moving the USS convinced me to try.
I TP'ed around Nautilus City and I spent quite some time looking for a place where I could rezz the Battlestar. If the Lindens plan to support sailing grid-wide they have still a lot of work to do. Almost all the sims were no-rezz and sometimes even more strictly limited than the usual sims in any private estate, so that even wearable technology did not work.
At the end I found a friendly dock on a privately owned plot on the southern shore opposite Nautilus City and there I was able to rezz the Battlestar.
Yet, all the buzz about the Linden waters around Nautilus and the future plans about the Blake Sea and moving the USS convinced me to try.
I TP'ed around Nautilus City and I spent quite some time looking for a place where I could rezz the Battlestar. If the Lindens plan to support sailing grid-wide they have still a lot of work to do. Almost all the sims were no-rezz and sometimes even more strictly limited than the usual sims in any private estate, so that even wearable technology did not work.
At the end I found a friendly dock on a privately owned plot on the southern shore opposite Nautilus City and there I was able to rezz the Battlestar.

Once the ship was rezzed the experience was great! Nautilus City is surrounded by several sims of Linden water and it was easy to take the ship all around the place, easily circumnavigating all the area.
It is clearly a much better situation that all the other mainland continents. I wish Sansara or the Atoll or Jeogeot were so easily sailable.

After circumnavigating Nautisul City I decided to see how far I coud go, so I turned the bow north and I reached the northeastern corner of the Nautilus continent. It was mostly an easy navigation. Only once I barely avoided a security orb - nastily set to just 10 secs warning. Fortunately I was just at the edge of Linden protected water so I avoided to be kicked home.
As I reached the NE section of Nautilus SL began to misbehave and I crashed. A pity that the channel connecting it to the Corsica continent is on the NW side. It would have been fun to cross into Corsica :). It was late anyway and it had been already a lot of fun.

The Battlestar was very successful. Several people came out to admire her during the navigation and shouted to me tha tis was a nice ship. Chase Speculaas did such a great job: the frigate model is fantastic for sea battle and roleplaying, but even for fun sailing she is a a beauty ! :)
Fair Winds and Happy New Year !
Chase Speculaas,
Nautilus City,
second life,
SL Sailing,
the Atoll
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Introducing the WFS Battlestar
I have been thinking about her since late September, when I noticed her being tested at Beek Haven, even before the release, and now I got it. Don't you find she has a wonderful line ? :)
Fair Winds
Beek Haven,
Chase Speculaas,
second life,
Friday, December 26, 2008
Last year. for Christmas, I mostly gave my SL friends framed pictures of images I took in RL. This year, since I was in full creativity wave, I decided to make something that I could give as a present.
I have had in mind to create the mechanical model of the solar system for some times and so I did, trying to give it a steampunk look. You can see the result in the picture.

I tried to keep the ration between the distances and between the speeds realistic, even if that forced me to limit to four planets, since Mars it is already far enough from the Sun. I think it is okay. Beside the distances, Jupiter would have been so big that the inner planets would have looked invisible.
I am quite happy with the result. One of the friend I gave it even asked me to purchase a few more items to give in turn to her friends. I was happy she liked it that much ! :)
Danielle and few others tell me that the rotation of the Earth and Mars is too fast. Despite the fact that I maintained the correct ratio between rotation and revolution I quite agree with them and I am working on a more heavily scripted version where the different speeds can be set by the user.
I would also like to add the Moon. After all it is just slightly smaller than Mercury, but it is going to require some work to create the movements of a satellite.
I think it is going to be fun! :)
Happy Holidays
I have had in mind to create the mechanical model of the solar system for some times and so I did, trying to give it a steampunk look. You can see the result in the picture.
I tried to keep the ration between the distances and between the speeds realistic, even if that forced me to limit to four planets, since Mars it is already far enough from the Sun. I think it is okay. Beside the distances, Jupiter would have been so big that the inner planets would have looked invisible.
I am quite happy with the result. One of the friend I gave it even asked me to purchase a few more items to give in turn to her friends. I was happy she liked it that much ! :)
Danielle and few others tell me that the rotation of the Earth and Mars is too fast. Despite the fact that I maintained the correct ratio between rotation and revolution I quite agree with them and I am working on a more heavily scripted version where the different speeds can be set by the user.
I would also like to add the Moon. After all it is just slightly smaller than Mercury, but it is going to require some work to create the movements of a satellite.
I think it is going to be fun! :)
Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas,
second life,
solar system,
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
an airship crashed at Star Port
Another proof that travelling in SL may be dangerous :)
This is what I found this morning at Star Port when I logged in
This is what I found this morning at Star Port when I logged in
second life,
Star Port
Saturday, December 20, 2008
if only ...
this morning I woke up reading some interesting news in my google reader, concerning the move of the United Sailing Sims to an area east of Nautilus City and their connection to the mainland through a new Linden region called the Blake Sea. You can read about it here and here.
I was very happy at first to see that there is some growth in a period of shrinking and that this move will surely improve the sailing experience. After a while I had some doubts about the lindenization of such an important group of estates, and I see that in the forum the sual flamewars has started about favoritism toward some groups of residents vs. others.
But after a while my thoughts drifted. The United Sailing Sims are one of the biggest regions in SL, yet, looking at the map shown in the SL blog announcement, I realized how small they are with respect to the mainland landmass. And this made me think what the SL experience could have been (and it still could be) and what a lost opportunity mainland has been so far, if only the Lindens had taken a bit more care of it.
As I have posted before I love to explore, both sailing and walking through the land. And the mainland is a great place for explorations. One can chose an area or a path on the map and spend literally days going around, finding new flaces and meeting new people. Yet the experience is almost always spoiled by ugly landscapes here and there, wastelands (fortunately ad farms are mostly gone), banlines (how much I dislike banlines, especially those covering the waterways !), aggressive security devices, inconsistent settings of rezzing and script rights, even on Linden land.
I value very much the privacy of the people in their plots, yet I cant help but wonder how much better the experience on mainland might have been if some of the issues I listed had been given a consistent set of rules.
The Lindens have shown in the past months that they are somehow getting away from their laissez faire attitude and this move about the USS goes in that direction too. I hope this also mean that in due time a more consistent set of rule of behavior will be created for mainland, that save both the privacy of the residents and the possibility to explore a mainland that has a neverending potential for creativity and beauty.
Have a nice week-end and Happy Holidays
I was very happy at first to see that there is some growth in a period of shrinking and that this move will surely improve the sailing experience. After a while I had some doubts about the lindenization of such an important group of estates, and I see that in the forum the sual flamewars has started about favoritism toward some groups of residents vs. others.
But after a while my thoughts drifted. The United Sailing Sims are one of the biggest regions in SL, yet, looking at the map shown in the SL blog announcement, I realized how small they are with respect to the mainland landmass. And this made me think what the SL experience could have been (and it still could be) and what a lost opportunity mainland has been so far, if only the Lindens had taken a bit more care of it.
As I have posted before I love to explore, both sailing and walking through the land. And the mainland is a great place for explorations. One can chose an area or a path on the map and spend literally days going around, finding new flaces and meeting new people. Yet the experience is almost always spoiled by ugly landscapes here and there, wastelands (fortunately ad farms are mostly gone), banlines (how much I dislike banlines, especially those covering the waterways !), aggressive security devices, inconsistent settings of rezzing and script rights, even on Linden land.
I value very much the privacy of the people in their plots, yet I cant help but wonder how much better the experience on mainland might have been if some of the issues I listed had been given a consistent set of rules.
The Lindens have shown in the past months that they are somehow getting away from their laissez faire attitude and this move about the USS goes in that direction too. I hope this also mean that in due time a more consistent set of rule of behavior will be created for mainland, that save both the privacy of the residents and the possibility to explore a mainland that has a neverending potential for creativity and beauty.
Have a nice week-end and Happy Holidays
Thursday, December 18, 2008
the steamcopter prototype first flight
I guess I am in a creative phase :)
After creating my first own outfit, I have started building a few objects. I have built an object which is the core of my Christmas presents, so, for the moment, it must remain undisclosed, and today I made my own steamcopter fly for the very first time. Just a very first flyby around my airbase and over the runway in the sky over Winterfell Ebonshire but it was enough to test the opensource script I am using and my first customizations to it.
Well ... so far so good. I was able to steer, I did not crash and I was able to get back to the starting point, so I am happy and I can move to the next steps. The toy is not yet ready to be distributed, but I hope to have a beta available in a few days to distribute to a couple of beta testers (should I find any volunteers :) )
I started building the steamcopter to be used as a shuttle between Star Port and the airbase but since I found the opensource script and since I like the look, I think it may be used also as a standalone vehicle.
Stay tuned for the updates :)
Saturday, December 13, 2008
the "little star"
I took my new Flying Fizz to her maiden voyage in the waters around Mishra. It is a gorgeous little boat and the animations are great fun. I still have to study all the details of her working but I am sure it will become a favorite of mine for exploration and fun sailing.
Given her compact dimensions I felt just right to name her Little Star :)
Given her compact dimensions I felt just right to name her Little Star :)
Flying Fizz,
Little Star,
second life
Friday, December 12, 2008
Sailing Drama
It is a real pity that the Tradewinds Boats Show I mentioned in my previous post and that I was enjoying immensely, went to a sudden end for reason that I do not quite understand, but that I can relate to drama, fights and cross banning between different yacht clubs. Oh well .. I was probably naive to think that the sailing community was a big happy family. That's probably why I am a lonely privateer :)
It was a great show anyway, very well organized and I loved it and learned a lot.
Fair Winds
It was a great show anyway, very well organized and I loved it and learned a lot.
Fair Winds

second life,
Tradewinds Boats Show
Thursday, December 11, 2008
the Tradewinds Boats Show
The other event that is capturing my attention these days is the 2008 Tradewinds Boats Show. It is a fair where the state of the art of SL sailing technology is on display.
There are many wonderful boats on display from far more merchants I was aware of. The temptation to buy now boats is very high :D but so far I only bought a little Flying Fizz, which, despite the small dimensions and the very affordable price it is still a wonderful boat.
The true reason I got the Fizz (which I still have to name) is that yesterday I attended a very nice presentation by the Fizz' creator, Mothgirl Dibou, who introduced a new sailing script set, she has designed from scratch and that she will be introducing in January. I have added the link to the transcript of the original talk, so I won't summarize the concepts here, but it is very interesting so I invite you to read it.
There are a number of other boats that cought my attention and make the show very interesting to visit: great realism in the detail in many models, customization packages, wonderful sail sets. A line of boats is called Wild Winds and I find a couple of models very tempting ... hehe
There is also the Sl reproduction of a RL fishing schooner, the Ernestina, that is really wonderfully done.
Who knows ... my fleet might grow even more :)
fair winds
the Human Rights Festival
The Human Rights Festival, part of the celebrations for the 60 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is under way. Events and Concerts will be going on from the 10th to the 15th on December in over 30 sims, involving artists from all over the world.

There is a HUD available in the information pack of the festival which gives the schedule of the events day by day and allows to TP directly to the event of interest.
Yesterday I spent almost 4 hours at different concert and exhibits and it was a great evening. The sims were packed (I counted up to 58 avies), the music great, the company fantastic and most important of all it was a great cause.
I hope everybody will have the same fun I had
There is a HUD available in the information pack of the festival which gives the schedule of the events day by day and allows to TP directly to the event of interest.
Yesterday I spent almost 4 hours at different concert and exhibits and it was a great evening. The sims were packed (I counted up to 58 avies), the music great, the company fantastic and most important of all it was a great cause.
I hope everybody will have the same fun I had
Friday, December 5, 2008
My first outfit
It all started with my recent explorations of Openlife and OSGrid. After a few days hunting for freebie clothes and after realizing that male outfits are even more rare there than in SL I decided to try to make my own outfit, and of course, I thought about a naval uniform :)
I downloaded the available UV maps and I started putting layers down. The Opensim Grids have the advantage the importing textures is still free, so trial and error is not that expensive at the moment. I also made prim epaulettes and a scarf and after a while I was satisfied and I started wearing it. After a couple of days I wondered why not to import the outfit in SL as well, and so I did.

I wore the outfit for a couple of days and nobody started laughing at me. Somebody even told me that it looked good. The original outfit was blue but since I felt comfortable in it I started wondering why not to make a similar one with the Winterfell colors. So, after a a few attempts in matching a brightness that looked good in-world, and after putting the Winterfell symbol on the epaulettes, I had the Winterfell purple outfit as well.

It may be not the best looking outfit in SL - actually it is a pretty simple and naive in many ways - but I am quite satisfied for a first attempt.

So I decided that the uniform might make a nice freebie, if anyone else like it and I put it both in my Bright Star Gallery in Winterfell Laudanum and in the Star Port Authority Office in Winterfell Ebonshire. They are both in a box under the Christmas Tree :)

Happy Holidays :))
I downloaded the available UV maps and I started putting layers down. The Opensim Grids have the advantage the importing textures is still free, so trial and error is not that expensive at the moment. I also made prim epaulettes and a scarf and after a while I was satisfied and I started wearing it. After a couple of days I wondered why not to import the outfit in SL as well, and so I did.

I wore the outfit for a couple of days and nobody started laughing at me. Somebody even told me that it looked good. The original outfit was blue but since I felt comfortable in it I started wondering why not to make a similar one with the Winterfell colors. So, after a a few attempts in matching a brightness that looked good in-world, and after putting the Winterfell symbol on the epaulettes, I had the Winterfell purple outfit as well.

It may be not the best looking outfit in SL - actually it is a pretty simple and naive in many ways - but I am quite satisfied for a first attempt.

So I decided that the uniform might make a nice freebie, if anyone else like it and I put it both in my Bright Star Gallery in Winterfell Laudanum and in the Star Port Authority Office in Winterfell Ebonshire. They are both in a box under the Christmas Tree :)

Happy Holidays :))
Bright Star Gallery,
second life,
Star Port,
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Winter is Coming
A couple of days ago it started snowing in Winterfell. The land became white and it was a really enchanting view. The view from Star Port was wonderful. The white mountains of the new Morigion and Maldoror gave the place the look of a true Norvegian fjiord.
I decided it was time to take the Christmas decorations out of the box where I had packed them last year and start giving my plots and homes a Holiday look. So I took out lights, Christmas trees, little trains and snowmen and I started placing them in and around my cottage, at Star Port and in my Aurora Town home.
On top of that, yesterday the new wonderful set of Miss Uni Ninetails's trees was released and I got one. Uni did miracles with just two prims. The trees have several seasonal looks so I set many of them to the winter look and replaced the green trees on the plots. But they are going to look even cooler in Spring and Summer.
It took a while to find my little train and place it near my cottage like I did last year, but at last I found it in the wrong box and here it is. Also a friend gave me a cool ice fountain and I placed that as well, near the rear door of the cottage.
I have not been able to find my icicles so far. I have to look harder. An inventory can be such a time waster! :) They would look nice at Star Port. I am going to have a freebie gift placed there and in the Bright Star Gallery as well, in the next days, but I'll tell more about that in the next post.
I have not finished yet. I will take it easy and slowly, giving little touches every day, according to the mood. I have also set the streams to a channel playing Christmas Tunes. I love the spirit of the Holidays :)
I decorated the Aurora Town Home as well. When I took the picture of the Christmas tree the slide show was showing the picture I took when I was decorating last year in my then brand new Captain Uniform :) Funny.
Aurora Town is having a tree hunt these days. There are 30 trees around the town with a fair number of freebies in them. Yesterday I spent some time there, but I found just 10 or so. I have never been a champion at hunts :)
A suggestion for those who know where my home is there : the tree between my home and Danielle's is full of Christmas decorations. (I hope Lilliana does not read this :) )
Happy Holidays to all

Monday, December 1, 2008
My mix'n match assignment: Alts in Second Life - necessary evil, fun diversion or an easy way to be dishonest
As I have mentioned in some previous posts, a few weeks ago I joined the mix'n match event, where SL bloggers were mixing subjects, writers and hosting blogs. The event was great and a big success across the SL blogosphere, and I was able to read many interesting entries by a lot of skilled people. Unfortunately I had little luck and my own entry was never published by the intended blog. The owner was taking a break in those days so I guess she overlooked it (I hope that the reason was not that my contribution was judged too bad :) )
So, since a coupe of weeks have passed by now and since I think it is a pity to forget the entry and the subject, I am publishing it here, in a slightly reviewed form and with a more recent picture than the one originally intended.
The subject of my post was suggested by Joonie Jatho, whose blog unfortunately I can no longer point out because it appears to have been disabled
I hope you can enjoy reading it as I did writing it.
Alts in Second Life - necessary evil, fun diversion or an easy way to be dishonest ?
… or an easy way to inflate the number of active users ? :)
Think about it. How many among your friends or contacts do not have at least one alt ? And how often do they bring them online ? Alts are one of the options we have to explore different sides of ourself while we experience the different settings virtual world has to offer, and people are largely making use of this option. Sometimes an avie born as an alt is so successful in his/her/its experiences that develops as the principal identity, leaving the original one mostly neglected in some asset server. There is an army of alts out there and they surely inflate the official statistics. The numbers of unique users is probably much smaller than the published numbers.
But enough about official numbers.
The first time I met someone who identified himself as an alt he dropped from the sky outside my cottage. I had heard about alts but, until that moment, I had not given the concept much thought. I chatted with the guy for some minutes and then he gave it away. “It is because I have a girlfriend” he said. I have wondered many times what that sentence really meant: was he using an alternative identity in order to cheat on his girl ? Or was he just in need of time for himself ? That would make perfectly sense. I know that from time to time I am in the mood to get away from my main identity using an anonymous account without friends and contacts, so that I can explore and take picture without anybody interrupting me.
Despite the obvious easy opportunities for alts to be dishonest, they can't be considered evil. And they are not necessarily just fun. They are another option to enhance our experience and as such they can be used in many ways, including many legitimate ones. I am sure many SLebrities can't live and enjoy the world they have contributes to create without alts. How many times have you have checked the profile of some land owner or content creator and read “drop me a notecard. IMs are capped”. I often wonder how these people can enjoy their SL and work and create under the inevitable constant stream of incoming messages. An alt surely offers them the anonymity necessary to escape and enjoy to the beauties the world like any regular residents.
Alts can be and are used for testing features, like permissions of created content, or simply they can come handy when more than one avie is necessary and no friend is available.
Alts can be simply used to explore different sides of one's self: like having a steampunk life as the pilot of an airship and a fantasy one as a drum player in elfland. A friend of mine created a child avie because her therapist suggested it to get in touch to her inner child. Another with health problems comes online in her neko identity when she is in pain, because cats, she tells me, better tolerate pain.
And then, of course, there are the more questionable uses. I guess we all know stories of people with two different SL families (and maybe a RL family too), people asking for friends' help in one sim and investing money as someone else in another sim and people just having fun but playing with someone else's feelings. And that is the source of high drama that exceeds the borders of today's discussion.
Do I have alts? I do. They try to be nice guys and I try to make them behave :) I use them for exploration, photo-safaris and to extend the number of groups I can subscribe to. Sometimes I call them to man my ships or as extras for photo shots (as in the image above). They are usually shy and stay away from people and interact minimally with others, even if they try to be friendly when addressed.
I even created a female alt. She is a kind of Barbie doll. I created her one day I was frustrated by the lack of contents for male, so I had fun to have her go freebie hunting. (Second)Life is so much easier for a female avie!. I am rather proud of the look I have been able to give her, but playing a different gender is not for me. I was always scared like hell that somebody could talk to her and I was not able to behave as a female would. The feeling has always been of complete detachment. It is like pulling the string of a puppet, with very little identification. No, definitely not for me :)
So, since a coupe of weeks have passed by now and since I think it is a pity to forget the entry and the subject, I am publishing it here, in a slightly reviewed form and with a more recent picture than the one originally intended.
The subject of my post was suggested by Joonie Jatho, whose blog unfortunately I can no longer point out because it appears to have been disabled
I hope you can enjoy reading it as I did writing it.
Alts in Second Life - necessary evil, fun diversion or an easy way to be dishonest ?
… or an easy way to inflate the number of active users ? :)
Think about it. How many among your friends or contacts do not have at least one alt ? And how often do they bring them online ? Alts are one of the options we have to explore different sides of ourself while we experience the different settings virtual world has to offer, and people are largely making use of this option. Sometimes an avie born as an alt is so successful in his/her/its experiences that develops as the principal identity, leaving the original one mostly neglected in some asset server. There is an army of alts out there and they surely inflate the official statistics. The numbers of unique users is probably much smaller than the published numbers.
But enough about official numbers.
The first time I met someone who identified himself as an alt he dropped from the sky outside my cottage. I had heard about alts but, until that moment, I had not given the concept much thought. I chatted with the guy for some minutes and then he gave it away. “It is because I have a girlfriend” he said. I have wondered many times what that sentence really meant: was he using an alternative identity in order to cheat on his girl ? Or was he just in need of time for himself ? That would make perfectly sense. I know that from time to time I am in the mood to get away from my main identity using an anonymous account without friends and contacts, so that I can explore and take picture without anybody interrupting me.
Despite the obvious easy opportunities for alts to be dishonest, they can't be considered evil. And they are not necessarily just fun. They are another option to enhance our experience and as such they can be used in many ways, including many legitimate ones. I am sure many SLebrities can't live and enjoy the world they have contributes to create without alts. How many times have you have checked the profile of some land owner or content creator and read “drop me a notecard. IMs are capped”. I often wonder how these people can enjoy their SL and work and create under the inevitable constant stream of incoming messages. An alt surely offers them the anonymity necessary to escape and enjoy to the beauties the world like any regular residents.
Alts can be and are used for testing features, like permissions of created content, or simply they can come handy when more than one avie is necessary and no friend is available.
Alts can be simply used to explore different sides of one's self: like having a steampunk life as the pilot of an airship and a fantasy one as a drum player in elfland. A friend of mine created a child avie because her therapist suggested it to get in touch to her inner child. Another with health problems comes online in her neko identity when she is in pain, because cats, she tells me, better tolerate pain.
And then, of course, there are the more questionable uses. I guess we all know stories of people with two different SL families (and maybe a RL family too), people asking for friends' help in one sim and investing money as someone else in another sim and people just having fun but playing with someone else's feelings. And that is the source of high drama that exceeds the borders of today's discussion.

Do I have alts? I do. They try to be nice guys and I try to make them behave :) I use them for exploration, photo-safaris and to extend the number of groups I can subscribe to. Sometimes I call them to man my ships or as extras for photo shots (as in the image above). They are usually shy and stay away from people and interact minimally with others, even if they try to be friendly when addressed.
I even created a female alt. She is a kind of Barbie doll. I created her one day I was frustrated by the lack of contents for male, so I had fun to have her go freebie hunting. (Second)Life is so much easier for a female avie!. I am rather proud of the look I have been able to give her, but playing a different gender is not for me. I was always scared like hell that somebody could talk to her and I was not able to behave as a female would. The feeling has always been of complete detachment. It is like pulling the string of a puppet, with very little identification. No, definitely not for me :)
Joonie Jatho,
Mix'n Match,
second life
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Meme: Things I do when I log on
Therese has been so nice (:P) to tag me and so this is basically an invitation to share my list of things that I do when I log on.
And now my victims :D ... Princess, Mykyl, Serra you have been tagged ;)
- the first thing I do after the always too slow login procedure has completed is to check my email, to see the messages since the last night. I give priority to Wildstar's email but I also check my alts, since they belong to groups I am interested in but that are beyond the 25 groups limit. I use Thunderbird with IMAP settings so I can have all the accounts of my alts in one window.
- Next it is time to check the Twitter and Plurk messages and to quicky follow the most interesting discussions and the links embedded in the messages.
- after the microblogs I check my google reader to see if anyhting interesting has been published in the blogosphere, among those I follow. A lot of time can be spent here: some posts are interesting and one is compelled to follow links and references. Internet can be such a time waster :D
- next it is time to take care of my own blog. First I check the latest visitors and where they came from. In the meanwhile I think if I have to enter anything new. Most times, even if I have something to say, I just add pictures and enter a few bullets to fix the ideas to be expanded later.
- If I have survived the blogosphere and I still have time, it is the moment to log in SL. The notices go away rather quicky: after all I hd read them already in email. Somethims though I also refuse some attachment that was supposed to be interesting and so I go back to the group notices to retrieve them.
- After the notices and the IMs from the previous hours, I decide for the outfit of the day and then I check my friend list to see who is online. At this moment I probably have already someone saying "hi" to me. If not it is me who says "hi" to someone :) And so the SL day begins :)
And now my victims :D ... Princess, Mykyl, Serra you have been tagged ;)
Miss Serra,
second life,
PHC on the Airship
Yesterday I hosted PHC on my fantasy airship, docked at my airstation 2000m over Winterfell.
It was fun! I was a bit worried about constraining the guests in the airship but I guess it worked. The regular bunch was there and I was able to find a stream giving PHC and also The Thistle & Shamrock at the times we were used when listening to WXXI.
Alphonsus gave proof of his magical powers once more, dancing the entire night in the fire without even warming up :) And Princess was up to the challenge spending almost all the time in the fire with him :)
It was fun! I was a bit worried about constraining the guests in the airship but I guess it worked. The regular bunch was there and I was able to find a stream giving PHC and also The Thistle & Shamrock at the times we were used when listening to WXXI.
Mykyl was with us buy afk for part of the time. She actually was at Dulcinea's home in RL and her niece appointed her toy of the day, so she did not have full time and availability of her hands for SL :)
The evening/night had a geeky end with a discussion about graphic formats and Princess' photoshop activities. I hope not too many were bored :)
So long
second life,
The Thistle and Shamrock,
Thursday, November 27, 2008
exploring the colonies extra world
Following many who have done the same after the Openspaces Crisis, I spent some time into the Openlife grid lately. I had created an account there last June, as suggested by the always wise Princess Ivory, in order to protect my virtual identity by registering it in some other world. I did register and I spent some minutes there, barely enough to de-ruth myself, but I had not visited since.

I went back there recently and I explored a bit more. There is the strange feeling of a new land being developed. Mostly undeveloped or underdeveloped land, many features given for granted in SL are missing, old bugs forgotten for months or years are there again. Of course the grid is labeled as being alpha code, i.e. unstable by definition, and so there is little to complain.
Yet some beauty is already present here and there, like this boat that I admired for long minutes during one of my explorations.

The first task once in a new world is to get an acceptable look. It was not easy. There are some freebies here and there but not much, especially for males. I copied the parameters of my SL shape, I found a nice skin and some clothes. Unfortunately I did not find any prim hair that I likes, so I spent some time to shape the non-prim hair in a way that I liked.

The first task once in a new world is to get an acceptable look. It was not easy. There are some freebies here and there but not much, especially for males. I copied the parameters of my SL shape, I found a nice skin and some clothes. Unfortunately I did not find any prim hair that I likes, so I spent some time to shape the non-prim hair in a way that I liked.

People tend to look very similar to one another where clothes and skins and hair are limited, so I spent some time building a pair of sunglasses to give myself something unique to wear.
Once I was satisfied with the look I spent a few sessions exploring around and I started meeting a few people and make the first friends. Today I even met the famous SL blogger Botgirl Questi and we chatted about the protection of one's virtual identity across worlds.
In the south of the grid, I found a large sandbox made by four sims. I have never been to much of a builder and I never even tried to create any piece of clothing, but suddenly I found that I was missing not to have even a small boat and I also missed some piece of naval looking cloting, I invested a few hours in Gimp and Photoshop and I started putting prims together and so I created a small sailboat and a uniform. Surely not the best even appeared in cyberspace but I am quite satisfied as first experiment. I know I have a script somewhere to drive non-physical boats. I must try to import it and to see if I can sail the boat in Openlife seas.
The uniform is far from perfect but not bad either. I am playing with the idea of creating one in SL with the Winterfell colors now :)

By the way, I have already imported the boat building experience into SL, and I have started building a schooner in my shipyard near my airbase. It is just an experiment to improve the technique but is does not look too bad and so I have decided to take it down to Star Port to make some pictures. Still a lot of room for improvement, but so far it has been fun. (psst ... I also have a submarine and a armored airship under construction in the shipyard but do not thell :) )
There are other Opensim based grids out there that look interesting and worth a visit, like OSgrid and Legend City, just to mention a couple. I read today about a hypergrid technology which permits the teletrasportation among different grids and more and more grids are being inteconnected. It is even possible to carry the content of one's inventory from one grid to the other. Sounds very very interesting and I must explore more. Stay tuned :)
Botgirl Questi,
Legend City,
Princess Ivory,
second life,
Monday, November 24, 2008
news from the weekend
It was an interesting week-end with a number of events.

Saturday evening Winterfell was hosting the Winterball, that was part of the Grand Tour Balls, a series of events covering many nations during the entire week end. It was the usual fun and the Taure En Lor ballroom if probably one of the best dance floors in SL.

Just across the border of Ebonshire, on Mykyl's Winterfell Faeria we had the weekly PHC. We had many people, including Princess and Alphonsus almost full time, and it was fun time, even if these are not good day for Aianna and she spent most of the time underwater as her mermaid self, like she uses to do when she is down.

It is a pity that the station we used to listen to, WXXI, is no longer providing a stream outside their website, so we have been forced to find another station for the past few weeks. We are able to listen the Prairie Home Companion but we miss The Thistle & Shamrock after that, which takes away part of the tradition.
We were visited by some of the new neighbors in the new sims across the strait. Friendly people, despite the place being a dark vampire RP area.
On Sunday I explored here and there. In particular the Organized Tours sim. They provide automated vehicles and scripts for organizing tours of SL areas. I am playing with the idea of having a shuttle providing a service between Star Port and the airbase. I also started working to a small copter to be used as a shuttle. I do not have a lot of scripting experience yet, so i wasted a few hours before realizing that rotating a linked objects is different from rotating a stand-alone object :)

In the evening (European evening) I could not reach the Molaskey's Pub, where I spend many of my Sundays evening. The Molaskey's Pub is one of the very first places I discovered in SL and I never stopped to go there to listen to their live music. Unfortunately yesterday the sim was always full, and I was never able to TP there.
A bit later there was another event in Winterfell : the End of Fall Carnival , organized by the Victorian Ladies Society. It was a splendid event. The true atmosphere of a Carnival with music, dances, stalls, games, tarot reading, cotton candy. Great fun! :)

After the carnival I quickly went to Beek Haven where I acquired a couple of batteries of SPD guns to deploy at Star Port for the protection of the harbor. I placed two batteries at the opposite sides of the harbor that cover pretty much the entire Bay. I feel safer now :D

The evening ended in the Aurora Town Tiny Village for Aianna's Bedtime Stories. These days she is reading Kipling's Jungle Book. It is magical to listen to familiar names from the youth: Mowgli, Akela, Baghera ... :)

When the reading ended I was practically sleeping and I am afraid left without saying goodbye. I will have to apologize.
This morning I woke up with RL snow :)
Saturday evening Winterfell was hosting the Winterball, that was part of the Grand Tour Balls, a series of events covering many nations during the entire week end. It was the usual fun and the Taure En Lor ballroom if probably one of the best dance floors in SL.

Just across the border of Ebonshire, on Mykyl's Winterfell Faeria we had the weekly PHC. We had many people, including Princess and Alphonsus almost full time, and it was fun time, even if these are not good day for Aianna and she spent most of the time underwater as her mermaid self, like she uses to do when she is down.

It is a pity that the station we used to listen to, WXXI, is no longer providing a stream outside their website, so we have been forced to find another station for the past few weeks. We are able to listen the Prairie Home Companion but we miss The Thistle & Shamrock after that, which takes away part of the tradition.
We were visited by some of the new neighbors in the new sims across the strait. Friendly people, despite the place being a dark vampire RP area.
On Sunday I explored here and there. In particular the Organized Tours sim. They provide automated vehicles and scripts for organizing tours of SL areas. I am playing with the idea of having a shuttle providing a service between Star Port and the airbase. I also started working to a small copter to be used as a shuttle. I do not have a lot of scripting experience yet, so i wasted a few hours before realizing that rotating a linked objects is different from rotating a stand-alone object :)

In the evening (European evening) I could not reach the Molaskey's Pub, where I spend many of my Sundays evening. The Molaskey's Pub is one of the very first places I discovered in SL and I never stopped to go there to listen to their live music. Unfortunately yesterday the sim was always full, and I was never able to TP there.
A bit later there was another event in Winterfell : the End of Fall Carnival , organized by the Victorian Ladies Society. It was a splendid event. The true atmosphere of a Carnival with music, dances, stalls, games, tarot reading, cotton candy. Great fun! :)
After the carnival I quickly went to Beek Haven where I acquired a couple of batteries of SPD guns to deploy at Star Port for the protection of the harbor. I placed two batteries at the opposite sides of the harbor that cover pretty much the entire Bay. I feel safer now :D

The evening ended in the Aurora Town Tiny Village for Aianna's Bedtime Stories. These days she is reading Kipling's Jungle Book. It is magical to listen to familiar names from the youth: Mowgli, Akela, Baghera ... :)

When the reading ended I was practically sleeping and I am afraid left without saying goodbye. I will have to apologize.
This morning I woke up with RL snow :)
Friday, November 21, 2008
Winterfell is changing .. follow-up
This morning the emptiness outside Star Port had already been filled by the new sim, a new full sim inheriting the name of Winterfell Moldoror. The view is quite different but the overall look is very nice. I wonder already what those mountains will look like in Winter.
Now Star Port is in a cul de sac, connecting to the rest of the region through a canal between between Winterfell and Morigion. A very nice and protected position for a harbor. I must be careful that no enemy force block the canal though *** grin ***
Maybe I should place some guns for the defense of the port :)

While I was getting used with the view, Miss Serra joined me and suggested to join my two land plots on the island moving the harbor back a few meters. It was a good idea, even if moving the infrastructure of the harbor and some terraforming were required. I still have to finish to work on all the details by I kind of like it. There is a bit more sea outside the harbor and the connections of the two plots makes it easier to operate on the sky platforms, while before I always had to be careful about not place prims over the Winterfell group land between the two plots.
Still some work to do but so far I am happy about the changes :)
Now Star Port is in a cul de sac, connecting to the rest of the region through a canal between between Winterfell and Morigion. A very nice and protected position for a harbor. I must be careful that no enemy force block the canal though *** grin ***
Maybe I should place some guns for the defense of the port :)

While I was getting used with the view, Miss Serra joined me and suggested to join my two land plots on the island moving the harbor back a few meters. It was a good idea, even if moving the infrastructure of the harbor and some terraforming were required. I still have to finish to work on all the details by I kind of like it. There is a bit more sea outside the harbor and the connections of the two plots makes it easier to operate on the sky platforms, while before I always had to be careful about not place prims over the Winterfell group land between the two plots.
Still some work to do but so far I am happy about the changes :)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Winterfell is changing
Yesterday I took the ships out of Star Port and into Winterfell Libris. I was considering to take some pictures of the full fleet cruising near the home port but before I could recall the Running Star near the other ships a neighbor visited me and we started chatting about ships and sailing regions and pirates. The time went by fast and so the hour of leaving came and this is the only picture I was able to take. It shows my flagship, the Star of Christmas escorted by the Fighting Star, while in the background the Morning Star and the Star of Faeria are docked at Star Port.
Today I was considering taking the pictures again but I found out that there was nothing a couple of steps out of Star Port. Winterfell Libris has gone (moved to another position i nthe grid). This was scheduled to happen but it was still a bit of shock. I am going to miss the view from the deck of the Morning Star, the sunset behind the atoll in Winterfell libris, the masts of Miss Serra's ship at the horizon.
The Winterfell openspaces are going. Eight of them will be converted into two full sims. According to Miss Serra's current plan (available at the main gate of Taure En Lor) a new sim will be placde west of Ebonshire so I will have a new view. It will be different. A big mountain is raising in Winterfell Morigion which is one of the new full sims, SW of Ebonshire. The mountain will continue in the new sim and so m ynew view will probably look mush more like that of a fjiord. It may be interesting. But I am sure I will miss the old view.

So long
P.S. In the next days I'll have also to recover my never published Mix'n Merge contribution and publish it here.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
the running star
The Running Star is the latest addition to the fleet. She is a Chase Speculaas' Corsair, born for speed and aggressivness.

She is less armored and with less firepower than the Fighting Star but she is much faster and more manouvrable.
In terms of permissions the ship does not actually belongs to me but to one of my alts. I chosed to do so partly to be able to have some sailing fun also when I am not logged as Wildstar (after all I have given a naval rank to all my alts ;) ) and partly because being these ships built with wearable technology, they can be used only by the owner, so, as Wildstar, I could use just one at the same time.
Being my second nature that of a photographer I have been playing for a while with the idea of taking some fleet action shots, but it is impossible just for Wildstar to take more than one boat at sea. So the idea is to be able to take more than one ship in world making use of more than one avie.

I have experimented with two clients running in each of my two PCs and, even of they slow down a lot, it is quite possible to assemble static scenes with up to four avies. I did so to take a shot to document my entry for the Mix'n Match initiative, whose subject was about alts :)
So, I now look forward to be able to take some good shot, and I better hurry as long as some waterways are still existing. Even if ... I am now tempted to get even another ship for another alt. It would be such a great fleet to photograph !
/me laughs aloud
She is less armored and with less firepower than the Fighting Star but she is much faster and more manouvrable.
In terms of permissions the ship does not actually belongs to me but to one of my alts. I chosed to do so partly to be able to have some sailing fun also when I am not logged as Wildstar (after all I have given a naval rank to all my alts ;) ) and partly because being these ships built with wearable technology, they can be used only by the owner, so, as Wildstar, I could use just one at the same time.
Being my second nature that of a photographer I have been playing for a while with the idea of taking some fleet action shots, but it is impossible just for Wildstar to take more than one boat at sea. So the idea is to be able to take more than one ship in world making use of more than one avie.
I have experimented with two clients running in each of my two PCs and, even of they slow down a lot, it is quite possible to assemble static scenes with up to four avies. I did so to take a shot to document my entry for the Mix'n Match initiative, whose subject was about alts :)
So, I now look forward to be able to take some good shot, and I better hurry as long as some waterways are still existing. Even if ... I am now tempted to get even another ship for another alt. It would be such a great fleet to photograph !
/me laughs aloud
Until the next time ...
Chase Speculaas,
Fighting Star,
Running Star,
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