A couple of days ago I sailed the second stage of my tour of the
Corsica continent. But instead of limiting to just Corsica I exploited the canal linking Corsica to
Gaeta V and I crossed into the other landmass. The trip was smooth enough, apart from a couple of difficult sim crossings (without crashing though) and a minor issue in the
Shipstone sim where the water was too shallow and some bridges did not open the way they were upposed to. But in the end the southermost route was open and I was able to go around the obstacles that way.
AuroraSkye kept me company for most of the trip and it was fun to have a shipmate. She was wearing a pirate gown of her own making she had been working on in the previous 30 hours (working all the night !) and was just finishing

And here are a few other images from the trip :

before leaving, still on the beach of Elsewhere in Majipoor

Sailing out of the Elsewhere Harbor

Just east of Majipoor in the sim of Starship there are some nice airships docked in the air above the beach

Some nice views of the southern coast of Corsica

In the canal connecting Corsica to Gaeta
Unfortunately the sailing in Gaeta was not easy - I entered an inland canal and I found myself in shallow waters - so I did not take pictures. I will have to take a few ones before starting the next time.
I do not expect difficulties circumnavigating Corsica, so I think I will be able to fully go around it with the next stage. The Lindens surrounded the landmass with a couple of sims of open water so I do not expect tricky points. I assume this is the new standard for the new continents in order to make sailing easier, after their agreement with the Sailing Sims.
I'll let you know the next time
Until then ... ;)