I took my new
Flying Fizz to her maiden voyage in the waters around
Mishra. It is a gorgeous little boat and the animations are great fun. I still have to study all the details of her working but I am sure it will become a favorite of mine for exploration and fun sailing.
Given her compact dimensions I felt just right to name her
Little Star :)
I need a hobby in SL :)
Oh, she is beautiful, your Little Star! I think she is my favorite so far! (Except she doesn't appear to have any cannons. I always like to have some cannons on board, just in case)
Does she have room for a passenger? If you will FINALLY get around to taking me sailing, she is my first choice for my maiden voyage in the Wild Fleet. :)
it does carry a crew member, Princess :)
Well then, sir, where and when do I report for duty?
I shall have to go through my wardrobe and find my cute little blue sailor girl suit. A Princess must always be appropriately attired for all occasions, you know!
Oh what a lovely name for your new boat -- Little Star! I love it! I, too, would love to take a voyage on it some time. :-)
Congrats on your newest member of your fleet.
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