I like the fair ! It may be my favorite event in the Second Life year. It is not because of the shopping. True, I do some shopping and the fact the the money go to a good cause make it easier to spend but I am picky in my tastes and the male choices are very limited (very luckily for my wallet :) ) with respect to the female ones.

Yet I like to be there, to walk among the shops and to get in touch with the work of so many skilled people who create the widest variety of clothes. This year the choice is HUGE. The fair spans 9 sims, 8 of which dedicated to shops.

Of course I also love the entertainment area where a week of music, hunts and shows has been taking place. This year the overall theme for the fais has been "pirate" and I could not like ti more :)

The fair will end tonight. I invite all who have not been there yet to pay a visit. The fair and the people exhibiting there DO deserve to be supported, at least with a visit. But of course dropping a few lindens in the RFL kiosks is even better :)
And I assure you that visiting is fun !
There is also a photo contest associated with the fair. One has to mix at least three outfirst bought at the fair, among those offered in the RFL vendors. Here is my entry. Like it ?! ;)
Have fun

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