Next Saturday, the 6th of June, it will be Drawing Day 09.
As last year, there will be a SL version of the event, sponsored by sLiterary .
Drawing Day is an international event where everyone around the world takes the day to DRAW -- and, if you're a purist... you do nothing but draw for the entire day. This year, the global effort hopes to reach the goal of 1 million drawings worldwide to art-in-lieu-of-shout: "art for the sake
of art!"
On Drawing Day June 6 at midnight SL Time, the always amazing Ina Centaur will be starting a 24 hour drawing vigil. You can join her and other drawing enthusiasts on this
marathon by drawing and uploading your works for display inworld. A special gallery inworld has been setup where you may display your pieces drawn on this special day pro bono:
On Friday Night, the Drawing Day 2008 Gallery will grand-finale into the Drawing Day 2009 Gallery!
So, between now and then is your LAST chance to see the 2008 gallery, and the hundreds of artwork drawn by SL residents on the world's first drawing day last year! LM attached! or Search > Places > Drawing Day
Visit the place, get into the drawing marathon and have fun ! :)
My drawing ability is limited to stick figures! I will color with crayons in my faerie coloring book instead. :) And maybe practice mixing paint colors for my painting class. It isn't "drawing" but it *is* a form of artistic creation. :)
Oh darn -- I wish I hadn't missed this =-=- It sounds like it would have been fun!!! Darn darn darn me for being offline too much lately!
Thanks for posting this -- maybe I can catch it next year == I wish they had it on my Birthday in June cuz then I would remember that! (giggles)
it would have been nice to see your work, Aurora! I hope to see you back online soon :))
It was soooooo nice to see you the other day!!! I really need to get on SL more often == It hurt my heart when I read that your SL evenings are lonely == I know what you mean about being on during hours when things are not happening -- I may live in the US but I seem to have European hours anyway! LOLOL
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