Saturday evening Winterfell was hosting the Winterball, that was part of the Grand Tour Balls, a series of events covering many nations during the entire week end. It was the usual fun and the Taure En Lor ballroom if probably one of the best dance floors in SL.

Just across the border of Ebonshire, on Mykyl's Winterfell Faeria we had the weekly PHC. We had many people, including Princess and Alphonsus almost full time, and it was fun time, even if these are not good day for Aianna and she spent most of the time underwater as her mermaid self, like she uses to do when she is down.

It is a pity that the station we used to listen to, WXXI, is no longer providing a stream outside their website, so we have been forced to find another station for the past few weeks. We are able to listen the Prairie Home Companion but we miss The Thistle & Shamrock after that, which takes away part of the tradition.
We were visited by some of the new neighbors in the new sims across the strait. Friendly people, despite the place being a dark vampire RP area.
On Sunday I explored here and there. In particular the Organized Tours sim. They provide automated vehicles and scripts for organizing tours of SL areas. I am playing with the idea of having a shuttle providing a service between Star Port and the airbase. I also started working to a small copter to be used as a shuttle. I do not have a lot of scripting experience yet, so i wasted a few hours before realizing that rotating a linked objects is different from rotating a stand-alone object :)

In the evening (European evening) I could not reach the Molaskey's Pub, where I spend many of my Sundays evening. The Molaskey's Pub is one of the very first places I discovered in SL and I never stopped to go there to listen to their live music. Unfortunately yesterday the sim was always full, and I was never able to TP there.
A bit later there was another event in Winterfell : the End of Fall Carnival , organized by the Victorian Ladies Society. It was a splendid event. The true atmosphere of a Carnival with music, dances, stalls, games, tarot reading, cotton candy. Great fun! :)

After the carnival I quickly went to Beek Haven where I acquired a couple of batteries of SPD guns to deploy at Star Port for the protection of the harbor. I placed two batteries at the opposite sides of the harbor that cover pretty much the entire Bay. I feel safer now :D

The evening ended in the Aurora Town Tiny Village for Aianna's Bedtime Stories. These days she is reading Kipling's Jungle Book. It is magical to listen to familiar names from the youth: Mowgli, Akela, Baghera ... :)

When the reading ended I was practically sleeping and I am afraid left without saying goodbye. I will have to apologize.
This morning I woke up with RL snow :)
Sounds like you had a fun weekend! As usual -- I love your pictures! I especially like the one from Aianna's reading cuz I love the various critters around -- including a cat with a fish in its mouth -- how cute! (grins)
You got to wake up to SNOW????? I am sooooo jealous!!!! Send some over here! (giggles) I LOVE snow!!!! Whooo hoooo! You can go out and make a snow"cat" with spaghetti whiskers!
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